About Ouda

Ouda is a professional business consulting company located in Dalian, China. We provide professional solutions for helping global FMCG brands to grow their businesses in China. Ouda also focuses on international human resource management and international education industries, and helps international schools and universities in China to solve the recruitment problem of foreign teachers.

Global Marketing

We help your brand to develop the Chinese importers for increasing your brand value.

Strong Networks

OUda has built a strong networks through import & education associations in China's 24 major cities.

Efficient Team

Any questions you have would be answered within 24 hours.

Strategic Partnerships

Whether you are a foreign manufacturer, school, or a teacher who hopes to start the language teaching work in China, you could become our partner.

Competitive Advantage

Improving your product competitiveness globally through differentiated marketing solutions.

Comprehensive Support

From the beginning to the end of a project, we would provide professional solutions and technical support.